Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Unusual Things

You expect to find odd things in any antique store and we have our share.  The picture frame made out of a double outhouse seat is right up there at the top of the list.  In fact, if you give it some thought, a double outhouse seat is unusual enough all by itself.  But the unusual things I thought I would write about in this post are a couple of sticks of gum.

The gum is Wrigley's Doublemint ... and they look really gross! So why are they in the store at all?  Here's the story:

I bought an old gum machine that once sold Doublemint for a penny a stick.  It didn't come with a key so I took it to the local locksmith and when they opened it, they found these two sticks of gum beneath the cup that the pennies dropped into.  The copyright date on the wrappers is 1935, which is about right for the machine.  It makes me think that the machine hadn't been opened since sometime in the 1930s.  I was tempted to throw the gum away, but then figured that since they had been with the machine for 70 years or more, they may as well stay with the machine.

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